February 2023 Ministry Update |
Our website was infected by a deadly virus last fall. It wasn’t life threatening, but it was gut wrenching. When I consulted with a consultant, he gave me the worst news possible. But was it really the worst news possible. Your website is beyond repair. “It’s really bad, Lee “he told me.
The good news is a new and much more practical and usable website that will communicate what we do and how best you can be involved, emphasizing prayer.

Last fall, I had the opportunity to travel to Florida and help with recovery from Hurricane Ian. Last year I obtained training and was certified to serve as a chaplain in disaster response situations. This man’s mom’s house was flooded and nearly all her furniture was destroyed. She shared how her faith made it possible to get through this crisis. She had lost her husband only a few months earlier. We worked two days getting her house ready for the next step in restoration.