October 2020 Ministry Update
What has occurred in many areas of our life will impact our lives for the REST of our life. God’s love is eternal. Our mission as believers should grow stronger with every passing day, month, and year. Methods will change but not the message of God’s love.
We continue to look back over the last 10 years:

We met Ronnie in 2004 at the Children’s Home. He moved into his own apartment in 2016. We still work with him today. Ronnie has lived on his own and at the same place for 4 years and counting.

Here’s part of Lori’s story: “….at 13 my mom petitioned the court and gained custody of me. She live in Brentwood at the time and was a successful business woman. She was also a drug addict. Beginning my first night home, mom prostituted me with a steady stream of men…“
Lori’s story had many turns and twists. As an adult, after a serious car accident where she lost part of her leg, Lori met a lady at Brentwood Baptist Church who introduced her to Christ. For the last 13 years, Lori has been healing, struggling, and growing in her walk with Jesus. Today she is mentoring other ladies who’ve been trapped in this awful industry. We’ve been a very small part of her journey.
In 2018, I traveled with a team from our church to Dominica, an island 400 miles south of Puerto Rico. We cleaned up properties that were devastated from Hurricane Marie.

This trip gave us significant opportunities for relationship building and Gospel conversation.
One day in 2019, Brian’s wife Tiffany was handed the keys to a special needs van which was provided through donated funds to the benevolence department of Mobile Mission Ministry. This family face many health and living challenges.

Final Thoughts
Certainly, 2020 has had challenges. Where do we go from here? Do we “coast”? Do we “ride out the clock”? No, for Christians everyday is an opportunity to share the love of Christ by serving others. YOUR support truly makes you a valuable partner. Thank you!