Pause and Reflect July 2016

Posted on June 28, 2016 by admin

A well-known Women’s Basketball coach died recently at the age of 64. I mention her because she was passionate about her craft. She made the best of her relatively short time.

 The Work of Politics and Religion

In our current political environment there is a tremendous amount of passion. But compassion seems non-existent. And, religion is not the answer either. When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered, like sheep without a shepherd.  The Lord is my Shepherd. This gives us all that we need. As we pass through the shadow of death, we have nothing to fear. He comforts us, restores us, and prepares a place for us to live in peace. The political pundits talk about their candidate “staying on message”. Well, fellow believers, we need to stay on the message of the gospel of Christ. This is what I try to do each day.

The Work of Ministry

Tom, Steven, Tim, Ronnie, and Kristy all are battling different issues. When each of these listens to wise counsel from the Word of God, they begin to see victories. When they try to solve things in their own wisdom, they experience consequences. My role is to reflect the love and wisdom of Jesus with a servant’s attitude. My mission is find ways to show them love and concern, and to give them guidance when asked.

Mentoring and Life Coaching is not counseling. I can’t fix problems. Pray for these and others whom I serve. Only God can fix our lives. Religion can’t. And we all know that politics can never fix our real problems.

Finding the right resources for someone in need is one of the other things I do. Brenda called the benevolence line at our church on a week that I was on-call. Her porch needed railing and repairs hopefully before hip surgery. This need fell outside the guidelines for benevolence. But I worked on finding a solution for her. God used a local contractor and two generous individuals to meet this lady’s need. All the pieces were there. I just put the puzzle together.

The Work of Partners

Your prayers and support are a very important part of our ministry to the needy and disadvantaged. Many people do not have the support of family or friends for a variety of reasons. Together, as the family of God we can demonstrate the compassion of Christ.