June 202 Ministry Update |
2020 has been a year of uncertainty; a year to pause and reflect. In this year’s newsletters, we have been reflecting on the last 10 years of ministry and are grateful for the many opportunities God has provided us to serve others in the name of Jesus.
Reflecting on 2013

Reflecting on 2014

Reflecting on 2015
Partners from Florida and Michigan. I knew Mr. Woody form childhood. I never met Mrs. Evelyn

We want to honor Evelyn and Woody for their faithfulness. Both loved missionaries and the work they did. Their families supported what they believed in. We were blessed with their generosity.
Why, God?
Pandemic, politics, protests, blatant displays of injustice, murder, violence and riots have dominated the news. For everything there is a season (including the Pandemic of 2020), a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Why do you suppose God is allowing all these events to occur. Perhaps in part to Revive; Rebuke; Redeem, and or to Re-invigorate.
God will bring every act to judgement (Ecc.12:12) How can we respond? This could be a time for us to Renew; Repent; Repurpose? This could be a time to Reset our priorities? What shall it profit if a man shall gain the whole world but lose his soul? I believe God wants to Restore a relationship with each of us.
Final Thoughts
Priscilla and I hope to continue serving in this ministry as long as we have the health to do so. Opportunities will always be available. Your partnership is always appreciated.